
The Lotus of Chan blooms in Nagpur, India

日期:2017-06-08 11:55:38 浏览次数:2

At 9:00 am on Feb 23rd, ethereal Chan and Tea music rang gently around Nagarjuna Training Institute. Chan tea masters travelled night and day for over 20 hours to reach their destination no matter it was rainy or snowy. Having had breakfast in a hurry ,they rested for a while then appeared on the rehearsal field in accordance with the requirements of the program group.

Rehearsal was going on from 9 am to 11 pm. Chan tea masters focus on every movement.Their gestures and smiles expressed their happiness, joy and freedom from within, which is the manifestation of Chan and Tea spirit and transferred positive energy.

   与此同时,中华原创禅茶音乐会的演职人员也积极参与了节目演练。禅茶文化导师、音乐会总导演仁炟法师亲临现场督导,禅境和艺术创新的全新融合,为这次禅茶音乐会注入了新鲜的元素。 中华原创禅茶音乐会 走进印度,我们一起努力!
Meanwhile, the cast and crew of the Chan Tea Musical also took an active part in the training program. Ven. Ren Da,Chan and Tea culture tutor and the general director of concert, attended the rehearsal scene to supervise the performance. The innovative integration of Chan spirit and artbrought a new element into the Chan Tea Musical. Chan Tea Musical-India. Let’s do it together!

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