
Indian Media Highly Praised Chan Tea Musical

日期:2017-06-08 12:08:05 浏览次数:3

India n Media Highly Praised Chan Tea Musical

On the evening of February 25, Chan Tea Musical was held successfully in Ambedkar Square, Nagpur. The mainstream Indian medium News Today published wonderful photos of the concert on its front page and detailed China Chan Tea culture in a special section. A succession of Indian media also reported and highly praised the heart-touching Chan Tea Concert given by Chinese artists.


The mainstream Indian medium News Today published wonderful photos of the concert on its front page the next morning

Indian media reported on the concert in succession

印度大型英文报纸《City Line》对中华原创禅茶音乐会做了详细报道
The large-scale Indian English newspaper City Line reported on Chan Tea Musical in detail

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