
“The Belt and the Road· Chan Tea and photovoltaic Trip” meet in Smiling Buddhist country - Thailand

日期:2017-06-07 20:27:18 浏览次数:1

“The Belt and the Road· Chan Tea and photovoltaic Trip” meet in Smiling Buddhist country - Thailand

    7月6日,主题为“泰中文化 佛教渊源”(Thai-Chinese Cultrure:The Buddhist Relationship)的“泰中佛教文化交流会”(Thai-Chinese Cultural Exchange)在泰国曼谷摩诃朱拉隆功大学国际佛教学院(International Buddhist Studies College (IBSC), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University)欢喜举办。

On July 6th, the Thai-Chinese Cultural Exchange named "Thai-Chinese Culture:The Buddhist Relationship" was held in International Buddhist Studies College (IBSC), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University.    

    泰中文化交流会由阿难法师主持,交流会开场由摩诃朱拉隆功大学教务副校长、国际佛教学院院长、博士、教授斯格比让法师(Prof.Dr.Phra Sigambhirayarn)为大家讲解泰中两国在佛教文化交流的源远流长的历史故事;尔后,中国山东省博山正觉寺方丈仁炟法师向与会法师、学生介绍了博山正觉寺的历史、建设现状及在教育、文化、慈善、可持续发展四个方面的发展愿景。妙海法师重点介绍了博山正觉寺在太阳能的创新应用和拓展。

This exchange was hosted by Ven. Anada. The opening speech was addressed by Vice-Chancellor of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University and Dean of IBSC, Prof.Dr.Phra Sigambhirayarn. He elaborated the long history of Buddhism culture exchange between Thailand and China. Followed his talk, Ven. Master Renda, Abbot of Boshan Zhengjue Monastery, Shandong, China, gave a brief introduction of Zhengjue Monastery to audiences, including history, status quo as well as plans on education, culture, charity and sustainable development. Additionally, Master Miaohai presented the innovate implementation and possible expansion of solar power in Boshan Zhengjue Monastery.

Prof.Dr.Phra Sigambhirayarn, Dean of International Buddhist Studies College (IBSC), is giving the opening speech.

Ven. Master Renda is introducing sustainable development of Boshan Zhengjue Monastery.


Chan Tea artists of “The Belt and the Road· Chan Tea and photovoltaic Trip” team performed Chan Tea at the exchange, introducing culture from ancient China. Audiences were impressed so much and wish to see more performances. Through dancing and singing, the students of IBSC presented unique cultures of northern, central and southern Thailand.

Performance of Chan Tea

Students of IBSC presenting culture of Thailand by singing and dancing.


After performance, Certificates of Culture Exchange Messenger between China and Thailand were awarded to Chan Tea artists by Vice-Chancellor of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University and Dean of IBSC, Prof.Dr.Phra Sigambhirayarn.

Chan Tea artists were awarded of Certificates of Culture Exchange Messenger between China and Thailand


At the end of exchange, “The Belt and the Road· Chan Tea and photovoltaic Trip” team gave solar lamps and DVDs of Chan Tea Musical as gifts to Prof.Dr.Phra Sigambhirayarn, Dean of IBSC. The team received precious Buddhist Classics in return. Following that, a group picture was taken to capture this memorable moment.

Ven. Master Renda gave solar powered lights as gift to Prof.Dr.Phra Sigambhirayarn, Dean of IBSC.

Ven. Master Renda presented statue of Avalokite?vara to Prof.Dr.Phra Sigambhirayarn, Dean of IBSC

Prof.Dr.Phra Sigambhirayarn, Dean of IBSC presented precious Buddhist Classics to Ven. Master Renda


In addition, a donation ceremony was held by “The Belt and the Road· Chan Tea and photovoltaic Trip” team. The Ashram Ecosystems Education Center and Eco-agriculture University Training Center leading by master Sangkom each received 10kw solar electricity generating system as gift from corporates in solar energy business.

Group photo at center of Mahayana Buddhist studies

Solar energy system donation ceremony

Group picture of volunteers, performers and masters

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