
Warm winter sun melts snow; Serving by kids, the aroma of tea spreads the whole room-the fourth Chan Tea family class in Guangzhou

日期:2017-08-09 17:19:30 浏览次数:6

In November, winter comes to Guangzhou. On early morning Nov. 13th, families signed up for Chan Tea family class arrive one after the other. Today’s class have board range of kids : from whom just start to walk, whom attending primary and middle school, to whom attending senior high school.

   在调整和照顾到参加的家庭和孩子们的情况,安排大家一一安排入座之后,禅修茶道的亲子茶会便开始了。 To accommodate all families necessary adjustments are made. After everyone settles down, the Chan Tea class begins.

Practicing time: Kids are fantastic. They serve tea to parents and teachers.

   茶歇时间妈妈们在读书室相互交流。孩子们忙着写贺卡。整个过程紧凑而又其乐融融! Moms are sharing their thoughts in study room. Kids are writing cards. Tight schedule but full of joy.

Nice balance between rest and movement.  Moms and Kids are stretching during the break.The class is so much fun and Kids enjoy it a lot.

Sharing the happiness.

Kid: This is first time I make tea. Although I am a tough girl in general, I could be gentle and quiet at times.

Mom: Tasting the tea made by kid, I feel very peaceful.

Kid: I feel mom and I are closer.

Kid ( big brother): I do not have kid, but I think this class is very meaningful. It makes family members closer and softer.

Mom: The song ‘wishing mom peaceful and health’ touched me. Parents are not easy.

Kid: I will be always grateful for my mom.

Mom: I am a primary school teacher. Teenagers have huge study pressure. If they know who to practice Chan meditation, they could release and reduce it. For instance, a kid’s grade keeps in top, after reading Bhaishajyaguru Sutra (Sutra of Medicine Buddha)everyday.

Kid: Feel very warm, happy and joyful.

Mom: Our family making tea everyday and from now no I will make tea from my parents.

Kid: I wish mom healthy.

Kid: Thanks mom!

Kid: Mom I love you! I wish you healthy and happy everyday!

Kid: Thank mom take care of me so many years!

Kid: Thank mom bring me to this world! I love you! Thank you for all the trouble you've taken!

A cup of tea moisten the heart and make it full of happiness. Parents give their kids full of love. Kids express themselves with a cup of tea: I received the love from you and I thank you for all your efforts. I am so grateful and I love you!

Happiness is like spring, sweet and refreshing. It even makes tears sweet.


Tow hours passes so fast, everyone gathers for picture at the end. Parents and kids wish to come here again. Welcome, the tea of thankfulness to parents will always be here.

Photography : Yuling Zhang

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